Thinking of creating an app? Well, what is holding you back, if you are thinking, “can I make an app for free?” Then fret no more. Generally, creating a budget should be prepared before creating an app to pay for the expenses needed, such as app developer, app-creating tools, etc. But did you know that there is a way to create an app for free?

In this article, we are going to tell you how to make an app for free as well as the tools and skills you’ll need along the process.


Can I Make an App for free?

App creation is no longer just for professional developers. Now everyone can build mobile apps without programming as there are a lot of app development platforms for android and iOS that do not require coding. So, to straightly answer your question, yes. Without hiring an app developer and purchasing a paid app development platform, you can create your own app.


How to Create an App Without a Budget

Firstly, an app requires a principal creator. If you do not prefer to hire one, then your only other option is to acquire the necessary skills for developing yourself. There are several free online courses where you can learn the entirety of app development and maintaining an app after its launch. Next, the most important is your selection of an app-developing platform.

Free Online Courses:

Mobile App Development Courses will teach you fundamental app design ideas, mobile app specifications, and how to program native iOS or Android apps. These courses also address the many tools used in interface design and how to turn application concepts into actual functional pieces of software.

Some recommended free courses online are:

• Introduction to Flutter Development with Dart – Flutter team and the app Brewery

• Build Your Very First iOS App – Curtin University via edX

• Developing Android Apps with App Inventor Offered – Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Coursera)

Free App Development Platform:

Application development platforms provide developers with a coherent system that has all of the tools required to construct software applications. Some platforms support a wide range of application types (e.g., mobile, embedded, etc.), whilst others specialize in a single purpose.

Some recommended free app development platforms online are:



• Bubble


Pros and Cons of Free App Creation (DIY app building)


Less expense

Direct involvement and Control



Prone to bugs and errors

Limited Customizations


Is It Worth It?

If done successfully, Of course. While you created it without the expense, you may still earn from your app after its launch. Imagine having income from a minimal to non-investment business! Here are some ways to utilize your free app to earn. These are already proven effective and are used widely.

Subscription – allows users to subscribe, join and pay a regular monthly price for access to the app

Freemium – users are given the option of making in-app payments for premium features, more content, or digital products.

Advertisement – Advertisers pay the hosts to show their users pop-up or pop-under adverts. Affiliate advertising is one recommended form of advertisement This strategy entails supporting a third-party service or product to maximize income opportunities.

Sponsorship – If your app receives a large number of users, you can contact a sponsoring firm and offer to adapt the appearance of your app to reflect the sponsor’s brand.

Although you created your app for free, if it the worth you may also provide payment for users who would want to download your app.



Although you may believe that hiring an app developer is expensive, so you decide to do the work yourself, you must keep in mind that launching an app is a long-term endeavor. Maintenance of your program and the needed upgrades for it, while it is operating, should be considered. The development of your app may be free, but in the long run, you might still need a crew to manage it, which means you’ll still be needing an allocated budget.

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