What does a psychiatrist do on the first meeting?

What does a psychiatrist do on the first meeting? Find out through this post.

When you first meet with a psychiatrist, they will want to get to know you. They’ll ask questions about your life, your symptoms and your history. They will also want to find out if any other issues are contributing to these symptoms or if they might be caused by something else entirely.


On the first visit, you'll want to introduce yourself and ask your psychiatrist for some background information. This will include:
Telling them about yourself - You will have to tell them how old you are, where they can find your medical records (if they are available), and any other relevant facts that might be helpful in their diagnosis of your condition.
Telling them about your symptoms and issues - If there's something specific that seems out of the ordinary for you—like insomnia or depression—you can talk about it here too!
Asking questions if needed - Sometimes doctors get so caught up in asking questions about what's wrong with us that we forget how much we already know about ourselves as patients!

Get to know you by asking questions about your life, your symptoms and your history

You'll be asked about:
• Your symptoms - The psychiatrist will ask you about any physical, mental or emotional problems that have caused you to visit the doctor. These may include depression and anxiety, as well as sleep problems and other physical symptoms like headaches, stomach aches and back pain.
• Your past history with mental illness - The doctor will want to know if there have been times in your life when you've felt depressed or stressed out before; this could indicate a more serious condition than what's currently bothering you now (though it doesn't always). They'll also want to know how long these episodes lasted.
• Your family history of mental illness - If someone in your family has had bipolar disorder/schizophrenia/ADHD then this is something worth mentioning because it increases one's risk for developing these conditions later on down the road too so be aware of it.

They May Evaluate Your Situation

They’ll ask questions that will help them understand how things affect you and what kind of problems you may have, such as:
• What are the most recent symptoms that have bothered you?
• What is it like when these symptoms interfere with daily life? Do they cause stress or anxiety? Or is there another way of dealing with them (such as taking medication)?
They'll also want to find out about your past experiences, including:
• Are there any events in particular from childhood or adolescence that seem to have been associated witness type of problem now? If so, can we talk about those next time we meet?


At the end of the first meeting, a psychiatrist will have a better idea of what is wrong with you and how to help you. This is a very important part of your healing process as your treatment will be based on the results of your evaluation.

Curious about the rates of a psychiatric consultation? Check out this article or learn more about mental health here. 

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