Technology keeps advancing, and so does the demand for technical skills, one among those skills is Coding. Do you have an interest in learning how to code but you find yourself asking questions like; “Can I learn coding at home?” Or “Do I need a laptop to learn coding?”

Well, as a beginner, you certainly can learn coding at home, and you don’t have to begin with a laptop to learn coding. There are some mobile apps and platforms that make it possible to learn coding just with your mobile phone for starters. Let’s learn more.

Ways To Learn Coding At Home

There are several ways to learn coding from the comfort of your home seeing we now live in a technological era. Here are some helpful ways:

Select a coding language

One of the first decisions to make as a coding aspirant is to decide which coding language to begin with. Some languages are usually more complex than others, Python and Java are good recommendations for beginners.  You may also have to begin with a language that doesn’t require the use of algorithms or data structures, like CSS or HTML.

View tutorial videos

Learning effectively from home will require a video tutorial aid. This could be accessed by signing up for free or paid online coding courses, there are a variety of them online. You could also read ebooks and use Youtube to get quick answers to challenging areas.

Join a community

Joining a coding community will do you great good, especially as a beginner. Seeing people interact about related areas, asking questions, and receiving feedback will enlighten you more and help keep your learning process fun.

Why Should You Learn Coding?

Learning how to code has the following benefits:

Boost mental development

Just like other forms of learning, learning to code will boost your mental ability. Your brain cells will get more active, enhancing your ability to learn a variety of new things faster.

Attractive pay

The rise in demand for developers, both coders and programmers is now on the increase. This makes their pay competitive and attractive. As an entry-level coder, you stand to earn around $40,000 if you decide to build a career in the field.

Boost sense of achievement

Learning to Code also increases your esteem and sense of achievement. This is because coding is commonly seen as a difficult skill to acquire, due to the time required. So, becoming a coding expert will give you a positive mindset about yourself.

How To Stay Excited While Learning To Code

There are tendencies to get tired at certain points in your learning journey. So, here are helpful tips to keep your zest alive till you become a professional coder.

1. Join a Boot Camp

A coding boot camp is a coding program usually organized for beginners who intend to build a career in the field. It mostly spans for a short period and can be a bit pricey. However, its environment keeps you focused and motivated.

2. Seek mentorship

Mentorship is an effective way to stay through to your coding goal. Getting someone who is more experienced in coding and can help you tackle difficult coding tasks or projects will keep you motivated.

3. Complete coding projects

As you engage in learning, it is advisable to take up coding tasks. This will keep your brain active, spur excitement, and build your confidence when successfully finish one.


The fast pacing technology has necessitated the need for new and updated technological skills and expertise. Coding has become a household skill in the technological sphere and one in high demand.

With a rising market demand, becoming a coding expert positions you for attractive pay, serving as an incentive to fast-track your learning journey.

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