How Does Instagram Make Money?

How Does Instagram Make Money? Learn about the different ways you can earn using Instagram through this post.

Instagram is a social networking platform owned by Facebook for sharing photos and videos. It allows it's users capture, edit and upload photos and videos, interact with other users and follow other users.  

The company was bought by Facebook in April, 2012. Instagram has a brought a revolution into the online photography industry.  

It's users has access to photos and videos upload, disappearing stories, photo and video filters, followers, IGTV, geotagging and so on. According to eMarketer, 91% of users use Instagram to follow at least one of their interest. This makes the platform a perfect place for different brands to promote, advertise and sell their products. Instagram uses this means to make money.  

So what are the ways through which Instagram makes money? 

- Shopping &  

- Advertisements


Instagram shopping is a feature that allows users shop for your products directly from Instagram. With it, you can add a shop tab within your profile so that visitors can see all your products without leaving the app, tag shop products the same way you would tag a friend, promote your products in Instagram stories and run an Instagram Shopping ad. Instagram makes money with shopping through Checkout Fees (which they charge the sellers) and Instagram Shopping Ads.


This brings the most revenue for Instagram and it done in different formats like; 

 1. Story Ads 

2. Photo Ads 

3. Video Ads 

4. Carousel Ads 

5. Collection Ads 

6. Ads in Explore 

7. IGTV Ads.

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