Can Python Build Mobile Apps?

Can Python Build Mobile Apps? Learn about the process of building mobile application using Python through this post.

As a beginner who wants to gain sufficient knowledge in programming or app development, and has heard so much about Python, you might be curious to inquire about questions like "Can Python build mobile apps?"

Yes, python can help you build a mobile app, however, it requires the use of a compatible framework. Currently, there are two widely known frameworks used by Programmers, one is Kivy, and the other is  Beeware. You'll learn more about them as we progress.

Brief Overview on Python

Python is a programming language that was written by Guido Van Rossum. It has soon become one of the most popular languages due to its several frameworks and libraries which also contain tools useful for app developers. Python tools also permit cross-platform development since you can design one codebase for more than one platform like iOS, and android.

 In years past, when a developer wanted to design an app to function across different platforms, he would have to do it individually. Say he wants to design an app that would function on iOS, Android, and also Windows. The developer would be required to develop them separately, that is, one by one.

But the available frameworks in python have made it possible to develop one app to function across several platforms. With frameworks like Beeware and Kivy, a single code can be transformed to function across other platforms.

What Frameworks are Compatible with Python for Building Apps?

Several frameworks can be used alongside Python to build a standard app.  Although we will only discuss the two most popular frameworks, it would be good for you to be aware of other existing frameworks.  Here is a list:










Python for android


Kivy made its name as a python framework known for its speed in developing cross-platform IU apps. Say, you want to develop the most basic native UI app, then Kivy is your plug. The reason is that, since it wouldn't require you to seek the assistance of other programming languages such as Kotlin or Swift, you just need to have a good knowledge of Python.

Kivy's GUI toolkits make it possible for it to function perfectly well across platforms like iOS, Android, Linux, Windows, and Raspberry Pi. It is built to efficiently handle the workload of GPU-bound when needed since it has a graphic engine built over OpenGL.

This customized UI toolkit makes provision for the use of various text entry, text stickers, buttons, and forms amongst others. This implies that the tools aren't displayed via the control of the native user interface. l but its UI design allows user to work with the app across platforms

Some of Kivy's Major Features

Various user interface (multi-touch screens)

Custom UI

Single code/codebase across platforms

Published on BSD/MIT license (good for businesses)


Effective graphic engine designed over OpenGL

 Friendly semi-native interface

Useful for several projects


Beeware is the second most popular framework that can be used to build applications with Python. Just like Kivy, it can be used to develop apps across different OS such as Linux GTK, Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.

Some of its main features:

Regularly respiratory updates

Abstract layers & tools

Native UI toolkits

Native feeling for both mobile & desktop apps

Cross-platform features

What Apps Make Use of Python Frameworks?

There are numerous apps you might have used or are using that were built with the aid of Python frameworks. Here are a few lists of them:

Game app developmen

By using python, game app developers can design quick prototypes and have them tested to see the app's real-time usage and their viability in the app market.

Audio-video apps

With the help of PyDub and OpenCV available on python libraries you can build a standard app.

Business apps

Python is also a good language for developing e-commerce apps. Odoo, which offers an array of business applications, was written with Python.

Blockchain Application

Blockchain app developers can make use of a python framework like Flask to design endpoints for a number of the blockchain features

Command-line apps

Python's Real-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) feature makes it suitable for command-line apps

Machine learning apps

Python's free libraries like Scikit and Pandas are useful for machine learning apps, they are also suitable for GNU license.


With the introduction of frameworks like Kivy and Beeware, you can use Python to build apps that can function across several platforms like Android, iOS, Linux, and more. Its vast libraries, UI toolkits, and one codebase feature makes it possible to build apps across platforms in a reasonably short period. It should be noted that while Kivy uses a custom UI toolkit, Beeware makes use of Native UI tools.

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