Can I Make My Own iPhone App?

Can you make your own iPhone app? Learn about the process of building your very own iOS mobile application in this post.

It is a fact that apart from professional developers, a self-made developer can also successfully make an app of his concept. With that said, “Can I make My own iPhone app?” well the answer is already given but let us expand this discussion.

In this blog, we will tell you if it is feasible for a self-made developer to make an iOS app and how to make one.

What is an iOs app?

In general, iOS apps are easier to create than Android apps since it involves less development time and is less expensive to produce and maintain. Swift, Apple's native programming language, is used by iOS developers, whereas Android developers often use Java and Kotlin. Swift is more convenient and involves less code labor for native mobile app development. Less code equals less time and money spent building an app for iOS devices such as the iPhone. This also implies that it would be simpler and ideal for self-made developers.

Can I make My Own iPhone App?

The short answer is Yes. Apart from android, you can also create iOS apps yourself and have them launch in the Appstore. You just need the right skills and tools to do it. You have to note that making android apps has a difference from iOS apps such as the typical coding language they use. Hence you might have to be specific about the courses you’ll take and the tools you’ll seek for developing iOS apps.

What You’ll need to Make an iPhone App

A coding language is essential in app developing as it will be your stepping stone into the development process. Although there are non-coding development methods, it will be advantageous for you if you still learn one. You can access detailed tutorials for coding and app developing in courses available online. If you are to make an app yourself, you may also learn navigating app building platforms.

Here is the summary of what you’ll need to start developing your first iOS app:

Coding Language



•​JavaScript + React Native

Online Courses

•​iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp (Udemy)

•​Become an iOS developer (Udacity)

•​iOS App Development: From an Absolute Beginner to a Paid Professional (BitDegree)

•​iOS Development for Creative Entrepreneurs Specialization (Coursera)


App development platform


•​React Native

•​Native Scripts


How to make an iPhone App

Before you begin developing your app, you must first download XCode, an app development tool. Don't worry, it's free and available in the app store. Then you must learn a programming language, preferably Swift. As previously mentioned, you can access online courses for these and the following development process.

Budget planning is necessary for addition to gaining these basic skills. There is no required price range, however, it is important to understand that you will most likely need a budget for the development or maintenance of your app.


Any app development, no matter how simple it appears, is immensely difficult. That is why you will require certain tools and abilities for the work. This practice is only suitable for the most committed and patient individuals since it will certainly take time and be quite laborious. Not to mention the financial resources required. So, before you take action, determine whether DIY development or paying an expert is more advantageous to you.

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