What is the difference between a web designer and a web developer?

Confused with the two? Find out the difference between a web designer and a web developer in this article. 

Are you planning to  hire someone to create a website for you or revamp your existing one but is not sure which one to hire between a web designer and a web developer? Fret not because this article will explain the difference between the two. Outsourcing a professional for help is a wise choice if you are not familiar with the web creation process or if you are not confident with your skills especially when dealing with complex tasks. In this article, you will understand the difference in terms of skills between a web designer and developer so you will know which one to hire depending on your needs.

What is a web designer and what do they do?

Just by looking at its name, a website designer is someone who is skilled and knowledgeable in designing a website. Website design includes layouting, planning the interface, creating and curating graphics and images, as well as coming up with the overall look or theme of your website. If your website has a blueprint and interior design plan, then a website designer is the one who creates that blueprint and plan that will let you imagine what your website will look like once it is finished. Web designers adhere to basic and on trend designing principles to make your website visually-pleasing and appropriate-looking based on the type of website you have and the characteristics of your target audience. 

What is a web developer and what do they do?

If a web designer is the one who creates the blueprint of your website, the web developer is the one who brings it into life.  A web designer is basically the one who constructs the structure of your website making sure that it is working and operational. Web development includes coding and programming as well as configuring servers and databases which serve as the foundation of your website. Web developers can also perform the maintenance of your website which includes testing, debugging, fixing server or hosting issues, as well as other post-launch services or tasks. 

What is the difference between the two?

Web designers and web developer differ in various aspects like the skills they possess, the tasks they accomplish in the web creation process, their professional rates, and many others. The former is skilled in graphics design, visualization, creative thinking, and creating mockup designs using online tools while the latter is skilled in coding, programming, and website maintenance. A website designer is the one who comes up with the overall plan and appearance of your website.  Meanwhile, a website developer is the one who actually builds the website based on the plan that the designer did and makes sure that your website is functional and well-structured. Given that web development requires more complex tasks, a web developer usually has a higher professional fee compared to a web designer. However, there are people who are skilled in both web design and web development and they offer their services in an all-in package.


Now that you know about the nature of a web designer and web developer's job as well as the difference between the two, you might be wondering which one is better to hire. Well, it actually depends on your needs. If you need a website to be made from scratch, then you might need the services of both or someone who is both a web designer and a web developer. However, if you already have an existing website and just need someone to create graphics for you, then you will need the services of a web designer. In the same way, if you just need someone to fix server or hosting issues, then go for a web developer. 

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