What is F pattern design?

What is F pattern design? Learn about the F pattern design in creating a website and how it is done in this article.

The underlying idea of the F-Layout is based on numerous eye-tracking studies, which demonstrate that online users read the screen in an "F" pattern. Most of the screen is visible to web users in the top, upper left corner, and left side. Rarely do they glance over to the right side of the screen. The most crucial components of your website should be located on the left side of the design, according to these eye tracking studies.   

Here is the typical online user's behavior pattern. Beginning at the top left of the page, they scan the top of the website, taking note of the navigation, subscription, search, and other features. They then proceed downward, reading the sidebar and the entire next row of material. When they reach the majority of the site's material, they finally start to scan it.

Applying The F-Layout To Your Design

Now let's have a look at how to create a design utilizing the F-Layout. Using a wireframe strategy, you must first rough out where your primary content items will be placed. The design must next be filled with content to check how it looks and confirm that all of the necessary components are present. The original F-layout must then be overlaid for you to compare.   

You must be aware that the height of each of the two rows above the letter "F" can vary. Some designers may decide to make them as thin as possible to entice users to start scanning right away. However, other people can decide to make it a much more overpowering element of the design.   

However, what will you do if you wish to get the visitor to stop using the "scanning pattern"? If a user becomes disinterested and starts to mellow everything down, you certainly don't gain from them. One "awkward" element can be added to the scanning area to keep the user interested.   

It may be beneficial to utilize this method of "breaking the expectations" of the layout. In particular, when you have extremely long vertical stretches of text that, once you scroll past the first few headlines, feel tedious. By including visually appealing elements, you may keep customers moving across your website by throwing them a curveball.

Why Does F-Layout Work

The F-Layout is effective in designs because it enables users to browse text intuitively. People have been reading top to bottom and left to right their entire lives, thus the F-Layout feels natural to them. The ramifications of this F pattern, however, are somewhat paradoxical.    

First off, consumers won't read every word on the website, so if you have anything to say, say it at the top of the page. Most users won't even bother reading an article excerpt. Another thing to keep in mind is that headlines and images are only trustworthy if they are intriguing and attractive.   

Of course, there are disadvantages to excessively using the "F-Pattern" as your design framework. Designs that follow the F-layout too closely can come off as dull and predictable. You as a designer will need to demonstrate some sort of inventiveness to solve this.

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