Kendrick Carmichael

About Me 

I am a professional iOS Developer with over one year of experience. I work with a proactive approach and the crucial ability to operate independently and in fast-paced business environments. I'm looking to gain experience and expand my skillset by working on a project that has scale.

choose your image

I Do Amazing Things for Clients

I develop mobile iOS applications for various purposes. Recently, I launched my own web design mobile application where users can access relevant and up-to-date information on web design and development. It also offers web design services for clients who need help with their website and digital marketing projects.



This is my web design and development blog where I publish informational content about web design and development.

Bug Tracker

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Web Design App

This is my web design mobile application that I recently launched in the Apple App Store. It offers web design services for clients.

Sample Wireframes

My Expertise

Coding Challenges


Sum of Fears




Fizz Buzz



Published Articles

Can I Learn C++
On My Phone?

Which Language Is Best for App Development?

How do I become a successful app developer?

The 3D Workflow

Over the years, I developed a workflow that me and my clients follow through the course of every project. I call this the 3D Workflow: Design, Develop, and Deploy. 

The Design phase is where we plan everything - the concept, design, budget, taskings, you name it. Once we have finalized these things, we go on to the Develop phase where all the "dirty" stuff happens. This is when we actually code and program the app for our clients. We also conduct tests for functionality and quality. Finally, when everything is ready, we proceed to the Deploy phase where we launch the app to its target market. 


This is the part where we brainstorm ideas about your app and create a workplan out of it.


This is where we bring our ideas into life through programming. We also fix any bugs and errors along the way.


This is the part where we finally launch your app into the App Store for people to download and use. 


(205) 649-1516
786 Decatur Hwy Birmingham, AL 35068

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