Mobile App Development Lifecycle

How do mobile applications come into life? Learn about the phases in the mobile app development lifecycle in this article. 

Are you curious about the lifecycle of a mobile application? Do you want to know how are they made? Well, mobile applications take time before they become accessible to users. Just like any other product, they start off as ideas waiting to be launched to its target users. The lifecycle of a mobile application shows the entire process it takes for an app developer to create an app that is functional and valuable enough to offer solutions of make life easier for most people. In this article, we will discuss the phases in the entire lifecycle of a mobile application.

1. Inception

Mobile apps, just like any other product starts with an idea. The developer usually gets inspiration from existing day-to-day problems that need solution. For example, access to basic necessities became limited during the pandemic so a lot of delivery apps were launched to the public. Target users support applications that are valuable to their day-to-day needs and schedule. Moreover, app ideas can also originate from trending or in demand technology that are suitable to whatever service the app will offer. It is during the inception phase that the idea of what the app will be, what will it do, and who will it serve begins.

2. Design

Now that the developer already has a solid idea in mind, it is now time to work with the rest of the team (if the developer opts to do so) to design the application. The design phase is when the developer creates the prototype of the application as well as its wireframes. The help of a graphic designer can be outsources but there are developers who also do all of the tasks. Basically, it is important that the overall layout matches the UI and UX designs to make it user-friendly and functional.

3. Development

Once the design is already established, it can now serve as the foundation or basis for the actual development of the mobile application. The third phase is the part when the developer does the coding and programming . This is where the actual and "dirty" work happens that is why it is normally the longest part of the process. Developers see to it that there are no errors in coding so that the application will be functional and well-crafted. The kind of skill and knowledge needed by developers for this specific part of the job makes it more complex and high-paying. 

4. Quality Assessment

 After coding and programming, it is now time to test and stabilize the existing application. The developer and his team assesses the functionality and overall design of the app such that it follows the prior design and matches its overall purpose. Usually, it is during this phase that the mobile application enters a restricted beta phase where a certain population of its users are given access to the app. They are allowed to use it for a certain period of time and they will be asked to give their feedback as well as suggestions for further improvement. The developer will, then, use their feedback as basis for updating the app.

5. Launching

Starting from a single idea, you have designed the foundation of your app and developed it into an actual product. You have assessed its quality already as well and improved it into a version that is now ready for launching. The last stage of the process is where you make your mobile application available to its target users via an app store. Its users can now fully subscribe to its functions and offered services. However, the lifecycle of an app doesn't just end upon its deployment. It is the developer's job to continuously update and improve the application regularly. 

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