How to develop an iOS app?

How to develop an iOS app? Learn about the step by step process here as well as the other things you will need to set up an iOS application.

Mobile app development is not for everybody. It takes a lot of time and effort in the side of app developers to learn and improve their craft. However, a lot of people who are into business and technology still pursue this path because of two things - mobile applications make its users' lives easier and developing a mobile application pays a lot of money. In this article, we will talk about the process of developing an iOS mobile application and the things you may need in doing so.

iOS app development starting kit

Your journey in developing an iOS application will require you to work with certain tools that will help you do your job properly. First of, you will need to have a Mac system which includes a Mac computer and a Mac mini. Your computer should have an intel processor running on the latest Mac OS version. This kind of hardware configuration will help you have a seamless iOS development. 

Once you have your setup ready, you should register for an Apple Application Developer account. Doing so will allow you to download Xcode and access iOS SDK as well as other technical resources. 

Lastly, you need to download Xcode which is Apple's IDE for iOS and Mac apps and is also the main tool you will use to develop your application. Xcode will give you access to compilers, frameworks, tools, and iOS SDK that you will use to build your application.

Working environment for iOS development

The use of Xcode in developing an application will require you to be familiar with your working environment. Once you have successfully installed Xcode, you can take time to know more about it and how it works especially if you haven't used it yet before. You need to familiarize yourself with its interface which consists of five sections including a toolbar, editor area, utility area, navigator area, and debug area. Each section will allow you to control specific aspects of your app in the whole development process.

Design guidelines of Apple

Designing and developing an application for Apple requires you to follow their guidelines. The overall rule will ask you to consider some aspects like safety, performance, business, design, and even legal requirements. You should also make sure to avoid issues that will reject your app like crashes, bugs, and open links. 

In terms of specific Apple design guidelines, your goal is to observe the following: clarity, deference, and depth. Clarity requires the elements of your design to match its functionality while deference asks you to make sure that your design will not compromise the content of your app. Lastly, depth requires the accuracy of your transitions, touch buttons, and visual to ensure that your app is functional.

How to develop an iOS app?

Now that you already know about the other aspects of developing an iOS application, let us move forward to the exact process. Here are the steps in developing an iOS app:

Step 1: Download Xcode

Simply download Xcode from the Mac Store. The process will take some time so you will have to wait until the software is properly installed. 

Step 2: Open Xcode and set up the project

Start Xcode. Go to File then New then Project. Select App then click Next. Name the project. Don't forget to select Storyboards or SwiftUI. You can also select between Objective C and Swift. Click Next and select the path where you want to store your file. Click Create. 

Step 3: Write the code

You should do the programming in the ViewController.Swift file while the UI in the Main.storyboard file.

Step 4: Connecting the UI

Open Main.storyboard. Search for a Label and drag it onto the screen. Click on the Label and resize it. Go to Attributes inspector. Keep the Label in the center and choose the size and font. Right click on ViewController and connect label to Storyboard.

Step 5: Run the application

Double check everything to make sure that there are no errors and simply click the Run button. That's it! You just launched your new iOS mobile application.

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