How do I make HTML on my phone?

How do I make HTML on my phone? Find out in this article how you can use your phone to make HTML for your website.

Do you use your Android device to make calls? Do you browse Facebook on it instead? Or do you use it to play games or read the news? How about coding?   

Yes, that’s right. Android device coding is not only feasible but also common. In the Google Play Store, the top HTML editors have received millions of downloads. It demonstrates how increasingly both experts and enthusiasts see the operating system as a workable productivity platform.   

Continue reading if you think that you need to code while you're on the go. Three of the top HTML editor apps for your Android device are highlighted here. With these apps, you can simply code on your Android-powered mobile device, so you are no longer limited to only doing it on your computer.

1. WebMaster's HTML Editor Lite

Source code editors that support HTML files include WebMaster's HTML Editor Lite. PHP, CSS, and JavaScript are also supported. There aren't many added features available. However, it excels at the fundamentals.   

The features include a built-in file explorer, syntax highlighting, line numbering, and specialized on-screen coding tools. Support for FTP servers is now included in WebMaster's HTML Editor Lite. In comparison to some of the other editors, we will explore later, the features don't seem to be all that substantial. The lack of frills has an advantage, too, in that the program is quick to use and light, making it ideal for HTML writing.   
Some limitations apply to the free version. It has limited functionality for code completion and doesn't have a preview mode.

2. AWD

Android Web Developer is abbreviated as AWD. It is a web developer's integrated development environment. The program works with HTML. It also supports the programming languages PHP, CSS, JS, and JSON.   

The remote project management and collaboration tools FTP, FTPS, SFTP, and WebDAV are all available. There are some features available with AWD. It has previews, line numbering, code highlighting, and code completion.   

The app's inclusion on this list is due in part to some of its cool features, however. They have a regular expressions-enabled search and replace feature, error checking, and—possibly the most alluring feature—automatic one-click code beautifying. Additionally, AWD offers Git integration, frequent auto-saving, and limitless undo and redo actions.

3. DroidEdit

Comparable to Notepad++ is DroidEdit. The standard four languages—HTML, PHP, CSS, and JavaScript—are supported by this app. Additionally, it supports C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Ruby, Lua, LaTeX, and SQL in addition to those.   

If you're serious about coding, the $2 paid version—which adds several essential features—is definitely worth the money. The availability of support for Dropbox, Google Drive, and Box is the most intriguing paid feature. All of your creations will be automatically saved directly to the cloud. Later on in the day, you may easily pick them up on other devices thanks to it.   

A root mode, custom themes, and SFTP support are also added. Keep in mind that this app's free version is ad-supported. 

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These are three of the top Android HTML editors and coding apps. They all offer comparable fundamental features. The paid versions and additional features, however, are what will help you decide if the app is the best fit for your requirements.