Which symptoms indicate that someone may need mental health treatment?

Which symptoms indicate that someone may need mental health treatment? Find out through this post. 

Statistics show that one in every five adults live with a mental illness. Additionally, over 10 million people over the age of 18 are diagnosed with either addiction or a mental health disorder. This growing number of people dealing with mental health issues makes it more alarming given the added isolation and problems in accessing health services brought about by a global pandemic. While conversations on mental health are already getting attention especially in social media, the stigma that surrounds the topic as well as the lack of access to quality and affordable mental health services limit people’s motivation to go out of the shadows. In this article, we will tackle some of the symptoms indicating that someone may need mental health treatment in the hopes that people will be pushed to seek the help they need.

Which symptoms indicate that someone may need mental health treatment?

You’re having difficulty coping with life

Struggles are a normal part of life, and we face various kinds of problems every single day. However, people with mental health issues may find even the most mundane and simple tasks difficult to do. You will usually notice changes in behavior and that you no longer function the way you used to or the way you are supposed to.

You are always anxious

Getting anxious is normal especially when we are under overwhelming or stressful circumstances. It can either be combined with excitement or stress. However, anxious feelings that we cannot control or won’t eventually subside are not normal and may harm our health. Anxiety disorder is often characterized by difficulty in sleeping, overthinking, as well as avoiding places or people that triggers the anxiety.

You are depressed or apathetic

Just like anxiety, depression is common among people with mental health problems. It can be described as extreme level of sadness or indifference towards oneself or life in general. While feeling sad over negative things and problems in life is normal, losing the will to live and joy over small and big things can lead to even more health issues and can even lead to suicide.

You are always angry and irritable

Irritability is an often-overlooked symptom of mental health issue. In fact, it is believed to be one of the early signs of chronic depression. It is normal to have mood swings especially when things do not go our way but severe outbursts or anger and constant irritability even over the smallest of things may signify that something is wrong in our mental and emotional health.

You were subjected to a traumatic experience in the past

The thing with trauma is that its effects do not always become noticeable right away. Sometimes, we do not even realize that we are suffering from the aftermath of a traumatic event in our lives until its effects manifest in our behavior. The danger with unresolved trauma and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder lies on the unhealthy coping mechanisms that we develop over time.


Living with a mental health condition affects our day-to-day activities. In fact, it even coincided with other health problems that can make even the simplest things difficult to do. That is why it is important to be vigilant of any symptom and seek professional help immediately to address our mental health problems. This will not only make the quality of our lives better, but it will also help us interact with the rest of the society in a more meaningful way. 

Looking for female psychiatrists in Birmingham? Check out this article and other resources here.

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